Scientific activity of the department
Scientific problem: “Protection, improvement of public health, habitat, identification of risk factors and improvement of medical and preventive care to the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
State Registration Number: 011800233
Topic of the direction: “Scientific substantiation of measures to improve health and improve medical and preventive care for the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
The standard unit of the department is 9.25, 12 individuals, 3 of them have academic degrees and titles:
- Rustamova H.E., doctor of medical sciences, professor;
- Karimbaev Sh.D., candidate of medical sciences, associate professor;
- Makhsumov MD, medical sciences, associate professor;
The scientific degree of the department is 25.0%.
And also, the department pays special attention to the training of young teaching staff. They conduct research on their fixed topics.
No | Name | Position | Topic | Thematic Direction | Timeline |
1 | Mirhamidova S.M.. | Assistant | “Medical opportunities and socio-psychological prospects for helping HIV-infected patients” | Nursing and Management | 2018-2021 |
2 | Salimova M.R.. | Assistant | “Comprehensive socio-hygienic study of the health care of primary health care nurses” | Nursing and Management | 2018-2022 |
4 | Eshbaeva K.U. | Assistant | “The role of the primary health care nurse in the prevention of digestive diseases” | Nursing and Management | 2018-2022 |
5 | Musaev K.O. | Assistant | “The study of the physical aspect of health in the population’s lifestyle” | Public Health | 2019-2023 |
6 | Razikova A.A. | Assistant | “Optimization of the prevention of obesity in women of childbearing age” | Public Health | 2019-2023 |
In 2019, the applicant for the department Zhalilova S.A. successfully defended her thesis on the topic “The scientific rationale for optimizing the role of a nurse in the early detection and prevention of cervical diseases” (supervisor Prof. Rustamova H.E.).
During 2018-2019, the department’s employees published 31 scientific papers, of which articles and abstracts in republican publications 14, 17 foreign journals, including 1 article in the journal listed in the list of “Scopus ogitovchilari tomonidan 2018-2019 yillar davomida 31 that ilmiy.
The department also focuses on working with gifted students. The department has circles “Young Health Organizer”, “Young Valeologist.” Students conduct research during the school year under the supervision of their leaders, the results of which are presented at the annual conference of AtoN. In this academic year, in the month of March, the cathedral stage of SSS was held. A total of 9 students made their reports at the SSS conference in our department. At the end of the conference, the commission, formed from the department’s staff, evaluated students’ performances according to several criteria and announced winners and prize-winners.