Questions of exam

Control questions.
1. The main tasks of reforming the health care system.
2. Work done in Uzbekistan to provide highly qualified assistance.
3. Snab republican specialized scientific and practical centers in Uzbekistan?
4. When the sample charter of the specialized scientific and practical medical center was approved.
5. Main Goals of the Center
6. Main tasks of the Center
7. Main functions of the center
8. Rights and obligations of the Center
9. Center Structure and Center Management.
10. What does it mean to finance the activities of the center
Find formulas for the mortality rate of children, perinatal and early children:
A) The number of children under the age of 1 x 1000;*
2/3 of the children born this year + 1/3 of the children born last year
B) the number of children killed under the age of 1 x 1000;
number of children per year
V) The number of children dying for up to 1 month x 1000;*
live birth count
G) the number of children dying for up to 3 months x 1000;
number of children
D) The number of children killed from 28 weeks of pregnancy to 1 week of life x 1000;*
number of children born alive and dead

Middle control Public Health and organization of Healthcare (1)


Question on the public health and management of healthcare

Questions by Valeology

. Rational organization of work and rest of employees.