Emel Gümüş, currently holding the position of Director of Nursing at Tashkent International Medical Center, began his scientific and pedagogical career as an associate professor of the Department of Public Health and Management of Tashkent Medical Academy – doctor of the program “Management in Nursing” of the Institute of Medical Sciences of Istanbul University named after Cerrahpaşa. Emel Gümüş lectures on the subject of “Management in Nursing” for 2nd year students of the Higher Nursing Faculty of the department. Classes are conducted in Uzbek, Russian and English, which increases the interest of students in science and serves to further strengthen their knowledge and skills. The process of communication with students and teachers has become an effective process of exchanging scientific and practical experience.
Our capital is hosting the fifth meeting of infectious disease specialists, epidemiologists, parasitologists, microbiologists and virologists of Uzbekistan on the topic “Lessons from the pandemic and prevention of new threats.”
“Medical tourism in the context of globalization: problems, prospects and innovations”
Khudaykulova Gulnara Karimovna

The magnificent city of Tashkent A.A solemn event was held at the Navoi film Palace dedicated to the “dedication to student” and “day of medical workers”dedicated to the oath of students admitted to the first stage of the Tashkent Medical Read More …
Venue: Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent, Bunyodkor Avenue 28, Chilanzar district, Tashkent Time: 9:30am – 14:00pm Link to Zoom: https://mdis.zoom.us/j/89332189593?pwd =kuUUD9HUgPuqHaHPq7N9bXPSnn7hSz.1 Conference ID: 893 3218 9593 Passcode: mdist 9:00 – 9:30 REGISTRATION OF GUESTS AND CONFE11-november Medical tourism Read More …
Head of the Department of “Public Health and management” of the Tashkent Medical Academy Khudaykulova Gulnara Karimovna, and employees of the Department Karimboev Shahromboy peasant Boevich, Atabekova Shaira Ravshanovna, Ibragimov wave Taxirovich, Handasheva Makhliyokhon Mirzarayimovna, are participating in the presentation of the National Action Plan for ensuring public health in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2024-2028 at the Hyatt Regency cocktail in Tashkent on September 18-2028.
Department of Public Health and Management Ibragimov Tolkin Takhirovich received students of the 101st group of the Faculty of Management: ✅ Umarov Mirodil ✅ Rakhmonova Gulzoda ✅ Nematova Durdona: We accepted the International Forum of #Young Scientists, held at the Medical University of Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, and our students proudly took 3rd place. 💫We congratulate our talented students on their achievements and wish them to become mature specialists in their field in the future.
At the holding of the Ist International Educational and Methodological Conference “COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF A FUTURE DOCTOR”
At the holding of the Ist International Educational and Methodological Conference “COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF A FUTURE DOCTOR” The Department of Public Health and Management of the Tashkent Medical Academy (TMA), within the framework of the ongoing European Union project “FOstering Read More …