Responsible in the department for spiritual and educational work is the senior teacher Abdurashitova Sharofat Abdumazhitovna.
For the 2017-2018 school year, a work plan for spiritual, educational and curatorial work was drafted and approved
The department has a separate auiditoriya for spiritual and educational work. The department is equipped with banners and tables dedicated to spiritual and educational work. Employees of the department according to the plan carry out educational activities. All spiritual and educational work is recorded in a special notebook. The list and the schedule of employees of the department, which one week should visit a seminar on spiritual-educational and news of the week is made up. Under the supervision of the head of the department in dormitories for students are held talks and meetings on educational topics.
O’zbekiston Respublikasining “Oshlarga OID Dawlat Siyosat tўғrisida” gi-Talaba Қonunini Yoshlar wa professor ўқituvchilar orasida Keng tarғib etish wa wa bazharilgan ishlari Department akademiyaning Rasmiy saytlarida oritiladi. “Islom Karimov – Mustali Ўзбекистоннингнг асосчиси” Mawzusida Hotiri darslari tashkil etildi. The official website of the TMA and the department conducted the propaganda of the Law “On state youth policy” among students and teachers Widespread reflected on the official website of the Academy and the Academy. Lessons of memory were organized “Islam Karimov – the founder of independent Uzbekistan”. Buyuk mutafakkir Shoira, Dawlat Arbob Alisher Navoi tavallud topgan Kunin 577 yilligi munosabati Bilan Bilan Navoiyshunos olimlar uchrashuv Tashkil etish wa tadbirlar ўtkazish. Shoir, Dalat Arbobi Z.M. Bobur tavallud topgan kunining 535 munosabati bilan davra subatlari olib boriladi. Organize and hold meetings with Navoi scholars on the occasion of the 577th anniversary of the great thinker and poet Alisher Navoi. Poet, statesman ZM. Round tables are held in connection with the 535th anniversary of the birth of Bobur. Barkamol avlodni zhismonan wa manan soғlom etib tarbiyalashga қaratilgan soғlom Turmush Tarzi, soғlom ovқatlanish, kasalliklar profilaktikasi, Oila munosabatlari Kabi mavzularda tadbirlar ўtkaziladi. A healthy lifestyle, healthy nutrition, disease prevention, family relationships are organized to create a harmoniously developed generation physically and spiritually. Zaminimizda tuғilib, kamol topgan mutafakkyrlarning jaҳon ilm-fani rivozhiga қўshgan ҳсаsasi v ulrarning fight manaviy merosni gooshlaga etkazish masadida “Ўzbekiston-buyk allomalar yurti” maususid Imom al-Bukhori, Imom Termiziy, Abul-Muin Nasafiyning, Abu Mansur Moturidiy wa boshқa allomalar ҳаёти ва Ichodi taurisida davra faculty suhbatlari tashkil ethyladi. Imam al-Bukhari, Imam Tirmidhi, Abdul Muin Nasafi, Abu Mansur Moturadi and other scholars on the theme “Uzbekistan – a great country of great scientists”, to contribute to the educated and talented thinkers in the development of world science and their rich spiritual heritage for young people in the department are round stoly.Mamlakatimizning қadimy wa battle tarihini ўrganish, Yoshlar orasida Keng tarғib etish, ularda milliy ғurur wa Iftikhor tuyғusini mustaҳkamlash maқsadida yurtimizdagi Tarija obidalar, Buyuk azhdodlarimiz nomlari Bilan boғliқ muқaddas zioratgoҳlarga Louis-Alexandre Taschereau Flar uyushtiriladi. To explore the ancient and rich history of the country, to promote young people to strengthen national pride and pride for them to visit the sacred places of worship to our great ancestors, and the names of our great ancestors.