Author: Севара Мирхамидова
The conference of the student scientific society will be held in the department of the 1st stage of the cathedral (10th building, 2nd floor in the lecture hall), was held offline on March 5, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
“Fostering the doctor of the 21st century: education for patient centered communication”
epartment staff and talented students of the School of Public Health and Management actively participate in seminar preparation. The training was developed in Uzbekistan based on the GIZ Advanced Medical Technologies Management program, relates to the technical personnel department and is considered important for the work of managers. At the seminar, basic information was provided by German specialist Ann Christine Hanzer, specialist in “Management of Advanced Medical Technologies” GIZ, and Mirvarisova Lobar Teshaboevna, Associate Professor of the Department of “Medical Technology and Innovative Technologies” TXKMRM, Ph.D. Lectures were heard, and seminar training continues with lively discussions.

Management: Management direction in healthcare was conducted by 3rd year students for 3 years in healthcare organizations included in the medical association of the Almazor region, and 3 courses were conducted in centers. In this regard, in order to complete Read More …
Infection Prevention and Control
Participation of the department in the seminar.

An event dedicated to the memory of Babadjanov Abdujabbor Sattorovich was held at the Department of Public Health and Management of the Tashkent Medical Academy. The students and family members of the late teacher took part in the event and Read More …