Author: Севара Мирхамидова
At 11:00 in 2023, an open lesson “health protection, healthy lifestyle formation” was held with students of the 2nd year of the Faculty of Management of the 205th group.
2023-yil 11:00da 2-kurs Menejment fakulteti 205-a guruh talabalari bilan o’tkaziladigan “Salomatlikni muhofazalash, sogʻlom turmush tarzini shakllantirish” mavzusida ochiq dars bo`lib o`tdi.

On November 17, 2023, ERASMUS+ information Day is held. During the event, participants were informed about general information, new terms and conditions, the organization of the selection process, the procedure for submitting project proposals, deadlines and the latest news. Razikova Read More …
Khojaeva Malika Erkinovna, PhD assistant of the department… On November 1-4, she participated as part of the delegation of Uzbekistan with a report on the Burden of Viral Hepatitis Delta in Uzbekistan at the International Forum of Young Scientists, which takes place in Moscow on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Assistant of the Department of “Public Health and management” of the Tashkent Medical Academy Zakhidov Jakhongir Muradzhan took part in the competition “young scientists” on 21 October 2023 with a lecture on the topic “improvement of the prophylaxis of diseases of the cardiovascular system in the conditions of an outpatient clinic”.

Head of the Department of Public Health and Management of the Tashkent Medical Academy Gulnara Karimovna Khudaikulova, assistant of the department Razikova Aziza Abdumalikovna and acting dean of the International Faculty, head of the Department of Medical and Biological Chemistry, Read More …
Jlesson schedule 2023-2024 in all subjects taught at the Department of amoate health and management